Inserzioni pubblicitarie dal mondo Ham Radio => Articoli utili da avere => Discussione aperta da: Prodotti interessanti il Ven 24 Novembre, 20:41 2023

Titolo: Radtel RT-780
Inserito da: Prodotti interessanti il Ven 24 Novembre, 20:41 2023

6-band Transmit & 8 band Receive

65-108MHz (FM RADIO Receive)
108-136MHz (AM Air band Receive)
136-199Mhz (Transmit and Receive)
200-299MHz (Transmit and Receive)
300-399MHz (Transmit and Receive)
400-499MHz (Transmit and Receive)
500-599MHz (Transmit and Receive)
600-620MHz (Transmit and Receive)

1. Squelch level: 0-9
2. High/Middle/Low power selectable
3. Encrytion function
4. Battery save
5. Dual frequency standby
6. Voice annunciation
7. Channel name display
8. 199 Store channels
9. Sub tone CTCSS/DCS
10. Dual PTT Buttons
11. Scan function
12. FM radio broadcase receive
13. Fast copy one frequency
14. Bandwith 12.5k/25k
15. VOX function
16. Repeater offset
17. Type C charger (option)